Music Waves (France) review of Requiem for a Dream 5/5

A great French language review of Requiem For A Dream on Music Waves:


“What hasn’t changed, however, is our artist’s incredible ability to compose top-quality neo-progressive Rock, made up of silky melodies magnificently enhanced by his female performers. “

“Two peaks stand out in particular. Firstly, there’s ‘Forgiven’, which, over its almost 12 minutes, takes us through all kinds of emotions. A delicate theme recurring three times in various arrangements, Gregorian-inspired backing vocals, a magnificent guitar solo and a symphonic finale all combine to carry the listener away in a tremendous emotional surge.”

” it’s impossible not to mention the title track, which, at 25 minutes long, delivers all the best that neo-progressive rock has to offer: killer melodies, silky arrangements, an initially discreet accompaniment from Troy Donockley and his uileann pipes and an emotionally-charged double solo of flute and uileann pipes, and that voice that bewitches us all the way through on a journey that begs to be repeated.”

“A final word to underline the exceptional quality of the production, which, through its balance, contributes wonderfully to the delivery of this magnificent object.”

“As a true craftsman, Ian Jones has once again concocted an achievement to be placed between the ears of all those for whom progressive rock is above all a source of pleasure and emotion. With “Requiem for a Dream”, Karnataka fulfills the contract without a moment’s hesitation.”